Wellness Wednesday quotes coming in hot! If you need a simple pick-me-up that will keep you going through the working week, I’ve got the perfect quotes to elevate your life. But what exactly is Wellness Wednesday? It’s essentially a day to remind you to observe your wellness each week, encouraging you to incorporate new habits.
morning wellness routine quotes
“How you spend your morning tells you what day you’re going to have” – Daniel Handler
“Every morning is a beautiful morning.” – Anonymous
To wake up every day is a blessing in itself. Anything else is a bonus.” – Celine Byford (Coaching With CB life coach)
When you need an energy boost
“If you have positive energy, you will always attract positive outcomes.” – Steve Buckley
“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” – Aristotle
“Be the energy you want to attract.” – Anonymous
evening gratitude reminders
“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie
“Gratitude is when memory is stored in the heart and not in the mind.” – Lionel Hampton
“It’s not happiness that brings us gratitude. It’s gratitude that brings us happiness.” – Anonymous
My perfect wellness Wednesday routine
For me, Wednesdays are great because it means we’ve started to settle into the working week yet have a few days to stay in routine. Every Wednesday, I wake up at 5.40 am (I know, it’s a struggle!) and quickly get changed, before heading to the gym for a Les Mills body pump workout at 6.15 am.
The class lasts until 7 am, helping me feel set up and ready for the day before it’s even begun. I then head home, empty the dishwasher, make a coffee, and sit down to write an article for my blog. By 8 am, I’m ready to meditate for ten minutes, journal in my daily gratitude planner, and read a book for half an hour.
When it reaches 9 am, I have a shower and get ready for the day. Sometimes, I walk the dog if he’s awake, but usually, I spend this half-hour getting prepared for work and getting my mind into a productive focus. At 9.30 am, I begin working my dream job as a reality TV journalist and managing editor!
How do you spend your mornings? Happy Wellness Wednesday! I’d love to work with you if this resonates, as I’ve helped women all across the globe get into their morning routine and go on to move abroad/live their dream careers. There are spaces on my calendar this week and next if you’re interested at Coaching With CB!
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Find a magical sense of gratitude in your daily life by filling in my new yearly planner, currently available on Amazon.