Two cartoon women close eyes and hug.

How to celebrate National Friendship Day – Dos and Don’ts

Wondering how to celebrate National Friendship Day? Well, you can do this mindfully. Firstly, grab your best friends, but make sure they are people aligned with you and your values. Think about people who leave you feeling like you learned something new and who encourage you to be your true self.

Check on your friends

National Friendship Day is all about checking in on each other. Okay, so you can make cute plans and take pics, but how does your friend really feel? Make sure to use this day as a polite reminder to ask how friends are feeling – and not just on the front of it, but in all areas of their lives.

Not all people are as open as the next person, so it might be the case that they don’t wish to open up at all. But even you asking them may encourage some open dialogue and an opportunity to help them notice they might need support. Even if it’s just telling them you’re always here to help, make sure they don’t feel alone.

After all, aren’t friends there to lend a listening ear through the good and bad times? The same works the other way around. If you feel you need support, a friend should be someone who you feel you can talk to, but if you’d rather speak to a trusted professional, my calendar is always open for free 20-minute intro calls.

Make sure they match you

National Friendship Day is a great time to reassess how you feel around certain people. Make sure you know what your values are (honesty, loyalty, kindness, empathy, fun, and so on) and check that each of your friends align with you on those values. Nobody will have the exact same views – but conflict will keep arising if your values differ.

It doesn’t mean someone is a terrible person if you don’t want to be friends with them. Sometimes, we don’t all click in the ways we hope, or friends drift apart. The only thing we can control is putting in effort to make that person feel loved and special, and to be there for them when they need it.

How to celebrate national friendship day

There are different ways to celebrate National Friendship Day, depending on your likes and needs. Some suggestions from me:

  • Connect over a lovely lunch or dinner
  • Make vision boards or paint together
  • Attend a sound bath or healing session
  • Make a photobook of your memories
  • Go for a long walk and catch-up

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